Apr 28, 2012

True faith?

Matthew 14:31

"Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

In Matthew 14:22-36, we are shown how followers of Christ tends to doubt His power and glory at times. Here, the disciples saw that Jesus walked on water. But instead of praising this miraculous display of his power, they suddenly turned afraid of Him. Doubting the power of the Lord in the process.

I must confess that I too, am guilty of this kind of reaction at times. Especially during work days when I'm assigned to complete difficult and urgent tasks. The fact that I doubt myself is bad enough. But what's worse is that I am not putting that much faith in God. I still doubt Him. Not just at work, but in some parts of my life in general. In a way, I am underestimating his power and sovereignty. And I am ashamed of this.

For if I were truly belong in Jesus Christ, I should not doubt His power over all things in my life. His sovereignty and faithfulness should be more than enough of an assurance that He will take care of the things in our life. But this does not mean we should not exert effort. It is given, that we should also do our part in His grand scheme of things.

Amazingly, my doubt at times is always replaced by awe. Because just when I thought my work or things in my life seems hopeless, God intervenes and blesses me wisdom, knowledge, and strength to accomplish it. God is so faithful to that he shows to me that I should not doubt His power. Ever. For He will never leave me or forsake me. Especially when I need Him. He just wants me to put ALL of my faith in Him and his Son Jesus Christ. And this is true for all of us.

When God tells us to walk on the "waters" of our life, we should do this wholeheartedly. Fully trusting God and His power over all things. Because this gives praise and glory to Him. That we are willfully submitting our lives to Him. We must not commit the mistake that Peter did in Matthew 14:30. The mistake of not having true faith in the works of Jesus Christ in our lives, for we will surely drown.

Reflect on this: Do you believe that God has total control of everything in your life? If not, who does? Have you ever experienced God's power over your life? What helps you to fully trust and put your faith in God?

Prayer: Sovereign God, I thank you for having total control on all the things in my life. Thank you by putting up with us though we tend to be doubtful and unfaithful to you. This just shows your compassion, love, faithfulness to us.

Forgive us, Oh Lord, for even thinking of having doubts in You. Let us be reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 14:31, that we should not be of little faith. Instead, change our hearts, change our beliefs, change our ways. Let us come towards you by walking above the treacherous "waters" of life with full confidence in Your power. Remind us that by putting all our faith in you, we will surely be safe from drowning.

Praise be to you, my Lord, my Redeemer, my Savior. Amen.

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