May 27, 2012

Last Song Syndrome.

Matthew 21:9

"And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!""

Recently, I’ve started to get a hang of listening to Christian/Worship music. It’s really new stuff for me. Not so long ago, I considered this genre boring and in some way, not interesting. But now, as a Christian, I would certainly beg to disagree with what I have just said if I were talking to myself today. 

One song in particular remained echoing in my mind since the first time I heard it. Its lyrics and melody just captivated me and my heart. It’s as if I visualize Jesus, in His full glory and holy presence, returning to earth coming down from the skies. And as he does, all believers worship, give thanks, and welcome our Lord with great joy and gladness. 

This song is entitled “Hosanna” from the band Hillsong United. I know it was released a few years ago, around 2007 if I’m not mistaken, so it’s not that really new to some people. But for me, it was as fresh as “pandesal” baked in the morning at the local bakery since I never really listened attentively to Christian music before. 

In the song, the singer repeatedly tells the word “Hosanna”. So, I searched the web to find out what this word means. And from my research, I found out that its meaning is both cry for salvation and declaration of praise. Indeed, this word should be used in relation to Jesus Christ. Because He is the only way to salvation and we should be grateful for that. This may very well be the main reason why I feel so delighted and elated whenever I listen to the song. It literally sends chills down my spine. Every word of the song strikes me like no other song I heard before. 

In Matthew 21:9, the same word comes out from the mouth of people of Jerusalem when they saw Jesus coming from afar. They shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” with joy and praise. They may not be singing in the way they delivered those words but nevertheless, the meaning is the still the same. 

It's very nice to know that this genre of music does exist. Indeed, God is everywhere, even in the music industry. But regardless of the medium used, the important thing is that we give praise and worship to our Saviour and Lord. All the credit belongs to Him. If not for Jesus Christ's work at the Cross and God's sufficient grace, we might not be singing in joy in heaven. Instead, we might be weeping bitterly in hell. 

Reflect on this: In what medium do you give thanks to the Lord? What helps you celebrate the give of salvation through Jesus Christ? 

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your grace. Through your Son's work at the cross, we are justified and saved. Though we are sinners and unworthy, your love for us still remains. Indeed, you are gracious my God. 

Like what was said in Matthew 21:9, dear Lord, Hosanna to your Son Jesus Christ! Truly, He is the Messiah. And as sung in "Hosanna" by Hillsong United, as your Son will come down someday from the heavens, may we tremble and be in awe of his glory and holiness. Thank you for using music as a medium to show us your greatness. 

But more importantly, let us glorify you, our Lord, not just through songs or statements, but in the way we live our lives. Let us be a testimony in our home, school or work, so that you may be magnified even more as you are now. To you my God, be the glory forever. Amen!

May 19, 2012


Colossians 3:23

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,"

No matter how engaged you are with the work your doing, there comes a point that you just feel like you're not going anywhere. You feel bored. Everything that seems enjoyable before, suddenly feels like a routine. Finally, you ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" or "Is this worth it?" In short, you've burned out.

Most of us do well in our jobs so that, let's face it, our bosses or the management could take notice of us. We always look for the opportunity to step up so that we could show them what we're made of and that we could handle any task that they hand over us. Deep in our hearts, we work for recognition and to earn praise from them. Whether it is in the form of promotion, raise, or even a commendation. Some people become engaged at work because it's new and interesting for them. But what if the appreciation doesn't happen or the interest fades away? What do you do?

Well, people occasionally tend to be demoralized especially at work. Employees lose focus. We lost interest when things get old and boring. When the things we expect from our "earthly masters" are not given, we become frustrated. But in Colossians 3:23, a much better perspective is given to us by the apostle Paul when it comes to work.

It is said in verse 23 that we must work with all our heart as we are working for the Lord and not for human masters. Indeed, we are employed by companies, institutions, or even the government. However, as followers of Christ, we must always take into heart that in a way, we are working for the Lord not just for the company. In a sense, we work so we could earn money to provide for our needs but eventually, all the provision we receive is from the great provider which is the Lord.

It's normal to feel bored and demoralized once in a while especially when work becomes like a routine. But we should be mindful that work itself is a blessing by God and not some sort of curse. Yes, it's tough to work when you are not engaged and when the task is not interesting anymore. But nevertheless, we should still put our hearts into our work. Also, as believers, we are called to be representatives of Christ everywhere and in anything we think, say, or do. By doing so, we are not just blessed individually but also the people around us and the place we belong.

Reflect on this: Do you feel you've burned out? If so, what's the cause? How does God help you to refresh your perspective with work?

Prayer: Oh, Great Lord, I call unto you to give thanks! Thank you for the blessing of work. Because of this gift, I can duly provide not just for my family's need but for the church also. Truly, you are gracious.

I also call to you to seek your forgiveness. Lord, I am guilty of losing focus and sight of my goal in our workplace. Indeed, I am there to work, but I am also there to be a testimony for others that I am with Christ. That I serve you, the lord of lords and king of kings, my God.

Help me, Lord, to not burnout, but instead, burn with passion when it comes to work. Let me be revitalized and refreshed so that I could show my "earthly masters" that I do not just work for them, but I work for Your glory and honor. Let Colossians 3:23 be one of my motivation and inspiration everyday. All praise be to you. Amen!

May 15, 2012

Sometimes, it's better to be offline.

Matthew 6:6

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Last week, my internet connection was down and it lasted for 6 days. But the worst part of it was the assistance given by the internet provider that came very so slow. 

I felt so bored because I can't do anything. My usual habit of checking mails, reading news, and finding new stuff on the web suddenly went to a stop. But I guess what really annoyed me was the fact that I can't write my blog and check the status of my social networks. However, a sudden realization sank in me after my internet connection was restored. Though the cable of my connection was cut down by something as investigated by the ISP, maybe, just maybe, it was God's way of telling me to spend more time with Him. 

I usually spend 1.5 to 2 hours of my time doing my daily stuff (emails, news, blog, etc.) on the web during weekdays. That's at around 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM. While on weekends, I go online from 7PM up until 12 MN. Come to think of it, I'm spending 7.5 to 10 hours of my time in front of the computer on weekdays, while I only allot 30 mins to 1 hour of Bible reading daily. Isn't it unfair to my Creator? Shouldn't I be spending more time knowing Him and studying Scripture rather than posting anything pointless on some social networking site? Yes, my thoughts exactly. 

As said in Matthew 6:6, we should go to our room and close our doors when we decide to pray. Most of us still do this. But more often nowadays, behind closed doors, teenagers or even parents alike tend to spend more time on their room browsing the web or trying to think of something cool to post in Facebook or Twitter instead of finding personal time with God. Let's all remember that everything was made by Him for Him (Colossians 1:16). He didn't allow man to think of creating the computer, the internet, or even Facebook for that matter for us to just replace Him with something he just created. Otherwise, it will just be plain old idolatry.

Indeed, it's not that bad to enjoy the advent of technology because it is still a blessing from God. People can now communicate easier through email and Facebook. Knowledge is freely available thanks to Google. But just like anything earthly, when we just can't seem to live a normal life without it or even prioritize it over the Lord, it just shows our idolatrous nature. And by what it is said in Matthew 6:6, it is definitely something not worth rewarding.

So, instead of spending most of our free time online, let's do our best to spend more time with God. The Lord wants us to come to Him. He wants us to build a strong relationship with Him. He wants us to know him more. But, if you tend to be so absorbed by the internet when your pc is turned on, I think it's much better for you to be offline.

Reflect on this: How much time do you spend in front of the computer? Compared to that figure, how much time do you read the Bible? How does God help you to focus on Him rather on the internet?

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for the gift of technology. Indeed because of the internet, everything we do seems just to be a click away. But in the process, most of us became dependent on it, thus, making us idolatrous in your eyes.

Forgive us, Lord, if we spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, or anything that consumes our time. We are sinners indeed. But as gracious as you are, you are still merciful and loving to us. Let us be reminded that nothing is more enjoyable, fulfilling, and worth it than knowing You and Your Word.  May we close our doors not to browse the internet more often, but to read the Bible and pray to you as often as we can. So in the process, though we are unworthy, we can experience your rewards by putting our faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. All praise be to you. Amen.

May 13, 2012

Who's your Mommy?

Proverbs 31:10

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."

It's my first time celebrating Mother's day at CCBC. And I can say that what I've seen today was very heart-warming. Before starting the service, a video clip was played about on how our mother's day to day activities are being unnoticed and taken for granted. Also, there was a part of the service where all the moms where given tokens to show appreciation for their unconditional love and ever-challenging task of taking care of their family. But what I really did appreciate today was the focus of the sermon. It's about the Godly Mother as described in Proverbs 31:10-31. 

Being in CCBC for quite some time, I've met a few Godly mothers myself. You just kind of feel it when you're around them. It's in the way they move and speak. You can feel that God's love is flowing from them because they put God as their priority. And I know, through them, God blesses their family. 

Though my mom is an unbeliever, I know she did her best to raise us siblings. She never neglected her responsibilities. And I am truly in debt to her because she stepped up to the plate where the mom of my kids should be. Though she may not that be too "showy" with her emotions, her actions alone show that she loves us. And I do pray that someday, God will work His way in her so that she might accept Jesus as her Saviour just like what I did. 

As said in Proverbs 31:10, a wife of noble character is worth far more than rubies. They are priceless. They are precious. This is true to all moms out there. They are really irreplaceable. Mothers are God given gifts to us children. Whether your mom is a Christian or an unbeliever, this does not change the fact that they love you and they desire the best for you and your family. I believe that most, if not all mothers, regardless of their faith, want the best for their children. They’re willing to sacrifice time and strength so they could provide love and guidance to their family. I am not saying that Christian mothers are greater or superior than other moms, but if you do have a Godly mother, then God bless you. For you have been given a very precious gift by God. And you should forever be thankful to God for this. Thank God for all of our moms!

Reflect on this: Have you been blessed by God by having a Godly mother? How does God help you appreciate your mother more?

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of mothers. Thank you for providing us a person here on this earth to take care of us. Truly, as said in Proverbs 31:10, they are indeed priceless. 

Lord, I ask for forgiveness for the times that I take for granted all the things that my Mom does for me. Let me always be reminded that life on this earth is short, so I should always show her love and appreciation. Indeed, Lord, mothers are your gifts to us children.

I pray for all the mothers, Lord, for your blessing. Continuously bless them wisdom and compassion so they could fulfill their roles as our earthly guardians. May they always find your guidance so they could lead their families closer to You. May they find strength in you when they feel weak. Provide them with patience when they are faced with difficulties. Thank you, God, for all the Godly mothers in our life. For those mothers who do not yet the know the promise of your Son, Jesus Christ, work in them. So they could be blessed by your grace.  All praise be to you. Amen!

May 8, 2012

Rainy days.

Leviticus 26:4

"I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit."

Yesterday, after Sunday service, my friend and I decided to bring my eldest kid to a nearby park in Quezon City for an afternoon stroll. It was such a nice day that we didn't even think bringing an umbrella with us. But as we were approaching the park, our worst fears happened. Rain suddenly poured without warning. Thanks to a nearby "sari-sari store" we managed to stay dry.

When the rain turned to just a mild drizzle, we went inside the park and decided to wait until the rain passes away. While waiting inside, my son asked me a random question. He said: "Dad, why does it rain?" I answered in a playful manner saying: "It's God's way of watering the plants and flowers. It's been a few weeks that we're experiencing hot weather so God decided to make things a little cooler."

That little conversation with my son yesterday made me reflect on how important "rain" really is. Not just for plants or flowers, but for people as well. In Scripture, rain is always associated with farming. Rain is needed   by the land to grow crops (James 5:18). Rain helps nourish the vegetation of the field (Zechariah 10:1). It is very essential to everything that has life on this earth. It's a factor for proper growth.

As a Christian, I view "rain" as the struggles and challenges that come into life. It can come like a drizzle in a Sunday afternoon or like a storm in a cold night. In a way, rain can be devastating, especially in huge amounts. But God never created rain as a bad or destructive thing. Not after the promise He made after the "great flood" during Noah's time. He created rain to provide growth for those who experience it.

In Leviticus 26:4, we are reminded that God brings rain. He sends rain so that the ground could yield it's "crops" and the trees their "fruit". If you come to think of it, we are the ground and trees in need of "rain". Without it, we become "dry" so to speak. Without trials, how can we grow as a person? How can we mature? How can we develop more trust and faith in Him?

God waters us through trials and challenges so we could yield good "crop" and bear delicious "fruit". He never intended to bring "rain" in our lives so we could just feel pain and hurt. Instead, He wants us to build a closer relationship with Him during these kinds of situation. In the process of trusting and putting our faith in Him, we become a much better person. Bearing "good fruit" as the Scriptures say.

So, the next time you experience "rainy days", just let it pass by. After it's gone, take a moment to look around. Isn't it always much beautiful after the rain?

Reflect on this: Do you feel like the rain in your life never stops? Have you ever tried calling out to God during those trying times? How does God help you to withstand the "rainy days" of your life?

Prayer: Oh merciful God, thank you for the constant "rain" in our lives. Rain that helps us grow, not just individually, but helps us grow closer to You. Forgive me, Lord, if I tend to doubt or be resentful when you overwhelm me with such challenges or trials. Instead, make me realize that you are doing this because you know what is best for me, for You are Sovereign. As said in Leviticus 26:4, send your rain to me, Oh God. So that I may yield crops and bear fruit. Not for myself, but for You and You alone. Amen.

May 6, 2012

The right kind of pleasure.

1 Thessalonians 4:3

"It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;"

Sex and immorality is now a common commodity in our society today. It's gone from underground into mainstream. You can find it on television, ads, and music. It's like traffic here in the Philippines. It's just everywhere.

Today at Cornerstone Community Baptist Church, 1 Thessalonians 4 is the lesson on Sunday school and focus of the sermon. And quite frankly, the men, especially the fathers at Sunday school were all too eager to answer the questions regarding sexual immorality. Everyone was just so engaged on the discussion. This just shows that it is really a common problem today, not just for unbelievers but for Christians as well.

Different opinions were raised throughout the course of the discussion. Some say that believers should be prudent when it comes to sexual sin. That we should avoid things or places that would trigger or even stoke the fires of our desires, cutting them of so to speak. All of them are correct in my opinion, but what caught my attention and served as a wake-up call was the one said by one of our deacons. He said that: "The problem is idolatry. We replace Jesus with something we think is much greater and put it on His throne which is rightfully for him in our hearts."

And I am guilty of this. I won't be a hypocrite. I am having problems with this kind of idolatry. But I'm constantly praying for God's grace to help me fight the temptation and face this sin head-on. And I do believe that many Christians, especially the male singles face this problem too. It's just a matter of admitting them and putting them on the light so it could be exposed.

But what was said in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 can help us. We should remember that we should live our lives as holy as possible for this is God's will for us. As said by our Pastor earlier today; "We are set apart, consecrated, and dedicated for His glory". We are called to live our lives to please God. To be holy for we are His people (Ephesians 5:3). We cannot please ourselves solely in earthly things, for that is idolatry (Romans 1:25). We should realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross because of all our sins. Sexual immorality included. If we really do believe in Him, we should act like one accordingly.

So instead of taking pleasure in sexually immoral things, why not take pleasure in serving God? Why not live "cleanly" for Him? It's not wrong to experience pleasure. But make sure it's the right kind of pleasure.

Reflect on this: Do you still fall on the pits of sexual immorality? Or are you currently on one? How does God help you to resist and avoid this problem?

Prayers: Dear Lord, thank you for revealing your will and for reminding us to live holy lives through 1 Thessalonians 4:3. I know that we all do tend to fall often to sexual immorality, but your grace for us sinners is very much sufficient. You still welcome us with open arms, given that we repent and ask for forgiveness.

Forgive me, Lord, if I always fall short in your glory. Forgive me for the sins that I committed. Always remind me that You are greater and Your love is much desirable and pleasurable compared to earthly things. Let me be always contented in you and you alone. Let me give my all to you because You give your all to me.

I pray for those who suffer the same problem that I have. I pray for the strength, prudence and will to face the sin of sexual immorality. I pray for those who are enticed and are strangled with the ropes sin. Cut them off, oh God. Let us all have confidence in putting our faith in your Son Jesus Christ. Always point us toward the cross, the place where your Son died and our sins were nailed. All glory be to you. Amen.

May 5, 2012

You against the "world".

Matthew 5:11

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."

When an unbelieving person suddenly decides to turn away from his "old" self and decides to be a believer of Christ, what do most people, especially the ones close to him, often do or say about his decision?

Well, if by God's grace you've been given friends who are Christian, lucky for you because they will support you all the way. As a matter of fact, they'll be full of joy and might even pray for you. But what if they are not like that? What if they are the type of person who likes to live an earthly life and is used doing earthly things with you? More often than not, you'll get questioned, mocked or even persecuted for what you suddenly decided to do.

This is true nowadays. When a person changes his faith and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, his friends or other people, especially those who are unbelievers will usually ask, "Why"? If they're not satisfied with the answer, they'll try to mock you with words like, "Oh really”? But what's worse is that after mocking you, they might even try to persecute you in terms of saying harsh words like "C'mon, for crying out loud, don't fool yourself". 

It's like you don't have the right to change for the better. They react negatively because you suddenly want to drop off and turn away from your old self. Meaning that you'll be possibly turning away from people who might negatively affect the change you want in your life. People try to find loopholes in your change in attitude and outlook in life for them to be able to persecute and convict you. They find ways to put yourself down and make you realize that you’re just becoming a hypocrite and you can't really change.

As said in other parts of Scripture, Christians will always be persecuted:

John 15:19 - "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."

2 Timothy - "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."

But for those who struggle with this kind of persecution from others, fear not. For what is said in Matthew 5:11 will strengthen and enlighten you. It tells us that whenever unbelieving people question, mock, or even persecute us, God blesses us in exchange. For when people judge us, they see the change in us. They see Christ in us. This only means that He really changes our way of living, which eventually results to glorifying and pleasing God in the process.

So, if you really want to know God and become a follower his Son, Jesus Christ, then do it. Don't be afraid. Know that judgment from this world is part of your journey in knowing God. Remember that when you suffer for Him, you are blessed and He is glorified. If you're really decided to be a believer, it'll be you against the "world".

Reflect on this: Do you feel like the "world" is against you because of your belief in Jesus Christ? How does God help you in your struggles? Do you feel the blessing of God through your suffering?

Prayer: Oh loving Father, I thank you despite of my suffering. For you know that I suffer in the hands of those who judge me. But even though I struggle, I know this puts glory and honor in Your name. And for that I am blessed as it is said in Matthew 5:11.

Lord, forgive those who wrong You by questioning, mocking or even persecuting me. Instead of letting anger or fear rule over me, fill me with confidence in You. Let me live my life so I could show these people that I am truly a slave of Jesus Christ. Let me be a representative of Christ in everything that I do.

All the glory be to you. Amen.

May 3, 2012

Thankful for everything.

Philippians 4:19

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

I've invested in a lot of things lately. I've bought a new computer, saved up money to open a time deposit account (educational and business fund) and I've been able to afford to buy myself a set of dental braces. Soon, I'll be spending some more for the education of my oldest son since he's an incoming grade 1 student. And trust me; the price of education nowadays is quite steep.

All of these things will not come into my possession if not for the sufficient grace of God. He blessed me with enough resources so I could buy and share His provision with my family. He's given me the wisdom to save up money so I could spend on what's really important. And I am thankful for his kindness to me and my family

In Philippians 4:19, Paul promises us that God will provide all our needs. He is the great Provider. And this truth applies to all, not just Christians. Just to share, I've had an experience before when I was an unbeliever that made me realize that the God truly provides for his people.

Last September 2010, when I desperately needed a source of finance to afford my son's tuition fee for the coming school year, the unexpected happened. I got promoted. And the amazing thing about that was I had just started working for the company for about 6 months. I never really expected that I would be promoted in just a short period of time. It just shows that God really knows how and when to give us our needs. Despite being an unbeliever back then, I truly believed that God gave me the means to acquire the resources that I needed.

The promise given in Philippians 4:19 is a guarantee to those who believe in Christ that God will always tend to our needs. He's unfailing love, faithfulness and kindness will be overflowing if we truly accept His son as our Saviour. Having said these things, we should not worry, doubt or hesitate when we are in need of something. For God see's the needs of our hearts. All we have to do is raise them to him through prayers and have faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Afterwards, you just have to give thanks because the blessing will just follow.

Reflect on this: What helps you believe that God truly provides for your needs? How do you experience God's grace in your daily life?

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the provision. Not just for today's blessing, but for everything that comes to our life. You are truly generous to those who love you. While being gracious even to those who do not.

Lord, as Paul promised in Philippians 4:19, supply me with all the things that I need. Not just material things, but spiritual things that will help me glorify and honor you. For the riches in this world are temporary, so bless me with things that I could take to heaven; your Word and your command.

Father, let me give thanks to the most wonderful blessing you ever gave to us sinners. The blessing of your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing Him to be sacrificed in our place so that we can be saved. Because of this, we can never ask for more. All the praise be to you. Amen.

May 1, 2012

24 years and still counting.

Colossians 3:14

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."

My parents celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary today. In a way, it's nothing much. Well, at least for me who grew up seeing my mom cook "pancit" or "spaghetti" while my dad drink all day to celebrate the occasion. It's like they're used letting "this" day pass by like any other given day. But looking beyond that, it's still 24 years of commitment. And that is something only God can give.

Many relationships today fail because of this missing piece. Though love for each other is essential for a relationship to blossom. It is the love for God that makes a commitment unbreakable. When God becomes the center of your life and your relationship, you can't do anything wrong. This is true, because by submitting yourselves to God first, He will guide you in your decisions and steer your emotions all throughout the relationship. Of course, this does not mean you'll not argue over things or go through trials. But if you do, you'll have confidence facing them because you know that God is with you.

But in our culture today, this part is, more often than not, overlooked or ignored. What seems more important these days is the "heat of the moment" rather than knowing what will "keep the fire going" in a relationship. Instead of seeking for God's love and blessing to fuel the "fire" of the relationship, people just tend to consume the relationship while everything is "heated". This in turn, leads to coldness.

Colossians 3:18 challenges us to put love above of any other thing. Not just any kind of love, but God's love as top priority in our lives. Once we do, our relationship with others and with God himself will definitely be in perfect harmony.

Reflect on this: Do you put God's love above everything else in your life? How does God help you put your love for others in perspective?

Prayer: Oh loving Father, you have given me the opportunity to love You and to love other people. For this, I give thanks. Lord, let what was said in Colossians 3:18 be my encouragement in life. Let me put Your love, Oh Lord, above anything else so that everything may be in perfect harmony.

Fill me with your abundant love, My God. Let what overflows from my heart be given to those who are around me. For you are truly gracious and compassionate. Praise be to you. Amen.

Our pain compared to His.

1 Peter 3:18

"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit."

All through out the day I've felt pain in my mouth. And a lot of it, as a matter of fact. It's like my teeth are going to fall out any moment. Thanks to my newly attached dental braces, I need to endure this kind of pain for quite some time.

As I was thinking about my own description of what pain is, a horrible image suddenly flashed in my mind. A scene of unimaginable pain. A scene of anguish. A scene of suffering. The scene of our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the cross.

Most of us don't know what it feels like to be crucified. And I bet no one wants to experience that kind of thing. No one wants to carry a 300-pound wood and be attached to it by using 7 inch nails. But really, how much pain do you think did our Savior, Jesus Christ, felt when nails were being driven to his flesh? How much suffering did he felt when he has attached to the cross while being mocked and cursed by sinners? What kind of anguish did he felt when he saw his mother crying and when his Father forsaken him?

I cannot even start to comprehend how much pain He went through that moment. And the mere fact that he was sent there to suffer because of my sins makes me feel ashamed. But I'm thinking, was it really the physical torture that caused him so much pain? Or was it because of the sin we people committed to his Father that caused him so much suffering? Personally, I think it's the latter.

Even though we made our Savior suffer and die on the cross, what was said in 1 Peter 3:18 tells us that His suffering was not in vain. He accomplished his task here on this earth. He did that by dying on the cross in order for us to be made right with God again. For us to be closer to his Father, the Lord God, once more. So, how does our pain measure up to what Christ felt? I can even go as far by saying, our pain means nothing.

Reflect on this: Have you ever thought about how much pain you've caused to God? Have you ever asked for His forgiveness?

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for making your Son, Jesus Christ, suffer in my place at the cross. I know that we are unworthy since the beginning, but still, your love for us is greater. It encompasses all understanding. Instead of letting us suffer the penalty of sin, you sent your dearest Son instead. And for that, we are forever grateful and thankful. For you are truly a merciful and loving God.

Forgive me Lord, if I do tend to commit mistakes once in a while. Let me be reminded that my pain is nothing compared to what Jesus felt on the cross. Instead of dwelling in those mistakes, let me live my life looking forward, seeking your forgiveness and grace instead. Let me look at the cross on a whole new perspective: that the cross is not a symbol of death, but a symbol of life and love. All be the glory to you. Amen.