Matthew 5:11
When an unbelieving person suddenly decides to turn away from his "old" self and decides to be a believer of Christ, what do most people, especially the ones close to him, often do or say about his decision?
John 15:19 - "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
Well, if by God's grace you've been given friends who are Christian, lucky for you because they will support you all the way. As a matter of fact, they'll be full of joy and might even pray for you. But what if they are not like that? What if they are the type of person who likes to live an earthly life and is used doing earthly things with you? More often than not, you'll get questioned, mocked or even persecuted for what you suddenly decided to do.
This is true nowadays. When a person changes his faith and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, his friends or other people, especially those who are unbelievers will usually ask, "Why"? If they're not satisfied with the answer, they'll try to mock you with words like, "Oh really”? But what's worse is that after mocking you, they might even try to persecute you in terms of saying harsh words like "C'mon, for crying out loud, don't fool yourself".
It's like you don't have the right to change for the better. They react negatively because you suddenly want to drop off and turn away from your old self. Meaning that you'll be possibly turning away from people who might negatively affect the change you want in your life. People try to find loopholes in your change in attitude and outlook in life for them to be able to persecute and convict you. They find ways to put yourself down and make you realize that you’re just becoming a hypocrite and you can't really change.
As said in other parts of Scripture, Christians will always be persecuted:
But for those who struggle with this kind of persecution from others, fear not. For what is said in Matthew 5:11 will strengthen and enlighten you. It tells us that whenever unbelieving people question, mock, or even persecute us, God blesses us in exchange. For when people judge us, they see the change in us. They see Christ in us. This only means that He really changes our way of living, which eventually results to glorifying and pleasing God in the process.
So, if you really want to know God and become a follower his Son, Jesus Christ, then do it. Don't be afraid. Know that judgment from this world is part of your journey in knowing God. Remember that when you suffer for Him, you are blessed and He is glorified. If you're really decided to be a believer, it'll be you against the "world".
Reflect on this: Do you feel like the "world" is against you because of your belief in Jesus Christ? How does God help you in your struggles? Do you feel the blessing of God through your suffering?
Prayer: Oh loving Father, I thank you despite of my suffering. For you know that I suffer in the hands of those who judge me. But even though I struggle, I know this puts glory and honor in Your name. And for that I am blessed as it is said in Matthew 5:11.
Lord, forgive those who wrong You by questioning, mocking or even persecuting me. Instead of letting anger or fear rule over me, fill me with confidence in You. Let me live my life so I could show these people that I am truly a slave of Jesus Christ. Let me be a representative of Christ in everything that I do.
All the glory be to you. Amen.
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