Apr 28, 2012

Sharing what God has given you.

Luke 3:11

"And He answered them, "Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever who has food is to do likewise.""

Sharing the things that you have certainly gives a nice feeling, especially, if you have some to spare. Whether it be food, money, shelter, or clothing, you really never know how much would that be of help to another person. But given that it's a good deed to share. This is also what God wants us to do in our life.

Today, I've shared two things. One of them was money given to a relative in need. And the other one was the Gospel. I shared it to my cousin because I felt that he needed it due to personal problems. He was feeling "empty" after a break up with someone. And since I've been through that not so long ago, I've decided to share it to him and see if it will have the same effect on him.

Both of these would be of great help to the other person. To be able to share material things is nice. But for me, the latter one was the best thing to share to any person needing help.

In Luke 3:11, John the Baptist told the people wanting to be baptized to share what they have to those who are in need. God wants us to share our "tunics" if we have some to spare. But what's most important to share is our "food" as Christians. Food that is abundant, gives life and that saves. And my interpretation of "food" here is the Gospel. His Word.

This part of Scripture must serve as a reminder to us that everything we have is given by God's grace. He is so merciful, loving, and gracious that He provides us everything that we need. And though we receive these things individually, it is much better to share these blessings to others, especially the Gospel. Not just because it feels great to give, but because it glorifies God in the process.

Reflect on this: What helps you to share your blessings to others? Do you try to share the Gospel aside from sharing material things? How does God give you the ability to share?

Prayer: My Lord, thank you for the abundant provision you faithfully give to us. It may or may not be in the form of material things. But still, we are thankful to you for providing us your Word. The blessing of the Gospel. And this is more than enough for us. For your Word gives us life, contentment and "food" that we would ever need in this world.

As you provide me all these necessities in life, my God, may I also repay your kindness by sharing these blessings to others. And may they accept these blessings with thanks not to me, but directly to you. For you deserve the credit alone, my Lord, my King. Amen.

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