May 19, 2012


Colossians 3:23

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,"

No matter how engaged you are with the work your doing, there comes a point that you just feel like you're not going anywhere. You feel bored. Everything that seems enjoyable before, suddenly feels like a routine. Finally, you ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" or "Is this worth it?" In short, you've burned out.

Most of us do well in our jobs so that, let's face it, our bosses or the management could take notice of us. We always look for the opportunity to step up so that we could show them what we're made of and that we could handle any task that they hand over us. Deep in our hearts, we work for recognition and to earn praise from them. Whether it is in the form of promotion, raise, or even a commendation. Some people become engaged at work because it's new and interesting for them. But what if the appreciation doesn't happen or the interest fades away? What do you do?

Well, people occasionally tend to be demoralized especially at work. Employees lose focus. We lost interest when things get old and boring. When the things we expect from our "earthly masters" are not given, we become frustrated. But in Colossians 3:23, a much better perspective is given to us by the apostle Paul when it comes to work.

It is said in verse 23 that we must work with all our heart as we are working for the Lord and not for human masters. Indeed, we are employed by companies, institutions, or even the government. However, as followers of Christ, we must always take into heart that in a way, we are working for the Lord not just for the company. In a sense, we work so we could earn money to provide for our needs but eventually, all the provision we receive is from the great provider which is the Lord.

It's normal to feel bored and demoralized once in a while especially when work becomes like a routine. But we should be mindful that work itself is a blessing by God and not some sort of curse. Yes, it's tough to work when you are not engaged and when the task is not interesting anymore. But nevertheless, we should still put our hearts into our work. Also, as believers, we are called to be representatives of Christ everywhere and in anything we think, say, or do. By doing so, we are not just blessed individually but also the people around us and the place we belong.

Reflect on this: Do you feel you've burned out? If so, what's the cause? How does God help you to refresh your perspective with work?

Prayer: Oh, Great Lord, I call unto you to give thanks! Thank you for the blessing of work. Because of this gift, I can duly provide not just for my family's need but for the church also. Truly, you are gracious.

I also call to you to seek your forgiveness. Lord, I am guilty of losing focus and sight of my goal in our workplace. Indeed, I am there to work, but I am also there to be a testimony for others that I am with Christ. That I serve you, the lord of lords and king of kings, my God.

Help me, Lord, to not burnout, but instead, burn with passion when it comes to work. Let me be revitalized and refreshed so that I could show my "earthly masters" that I do not just work for them, but I work for Your glory and honor. Let Colossians 3:23 be one of my motivation and inspiration everyday. All praise be to you. Amen!

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