May 6, 2012

The right kind of pleasure.

1 Thessalonians 4:3

"It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;"

Sex and immorality is now a common commodity in our society today. It's gone from underground into mainstream. You can find it on television, ads, and music. It's like traffic here in the Philippines. It's just everywhere.

Today at Cornerstone Community Baptist Church, 1 Thessalonians 4 is the lesson on Sunday school and focus of the sermon. And quite frankly, the men, especially the fathers at Sunday school were all too eager to answer the questions regarding sexual immorality. Everyone was just so engaged on the discussion. This just shows that it is really a common problem today, not just for unbelievers but for Christians as well.

Different opinions were raised throughout the course of the discussion. Some say that believers should be prudent when it comes to sexual sin. That we should avoid things or places that would trigger or even stoke the fires of our desires, cutting them of so to speak. All of them are correct in my opinion, but what caught my attention and served as a wake-up call was the one said by one of our deacons. He said that: "The problem is idolatry. We replace Jesus with something we think is much greater and put it on His throne which is rightfully for him in our hearts."

And I am guilty of this. I won't be a hypocrite. I am having problems with this kind of idolatry. But I'm constantly praying for God's grace to help me fight the temptation and face this sin head-on. And I do believe that many Christians, especially the male singles face this problem too. It's just a matter of admitting them and putting them on the light so it could be exposed.

But what was said in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 can help us. We should remember that we should live our lives as holy as possible for this is God's will for us. As said by our Pastor earlier today; "We are set apart, consecrated, and dedicated for His glory". We are called to live our lives to please God. To be holy for we are His people (Ephesians 5:3). We cannot please ourselves solely in earthly things, for that is idolatry (Romans 1:25). We should realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross because of all our sins. Sexual immorality included. If we really do believe in Him, we should act like one accordingly.

So instead of taking pleasure in sexually immoral things, why not take pleasure in serving God? Why not live "cleanly" for Him? It's not wrong to experience pleasure. But make sure it's the right kind of pleasure.

Reflect on this: Do you still fall on the pits of sexual immorality? Or are you currently on one? How does God help you to resist and avoid this problem?

Prayers: Dear Lord, thank you for revealing your will and for reminding us to live holy lives through 1 Thessalonians 4:3. I know that we all do tend to fall often to sexual immorality, but your grace for us sinners is very much sufficient. You still welcome us with open arms, given that we repent and ask for forgiveness.

Forgive me, Lord, if I always fall short in your glory. Forgive me for the sins that I committed. Always remind me that You are greater and Your love is much desirable and pleasurable compared to earthly things. Let me be always contented in you and you alone. Let me give my all to you because You give your all to me.

I pray for those who suffer the same problem that I have. I pray for the strength, prudence and will to face the sin of sexual immorality. I pray for those who are enticed and are strangled with the ropes sin. Cut them off, oh God. Let us all have confidence in putting our faith in your Son Jesus Christ. Always point us toward the cross, the place where your Son died and our sins were nailed. All glory be to you. Amen.

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