Apr 27, 2012

Work-Life Balance?

Mark 8:36

"For what will it profit a man if gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

These past few weeks at the office really took it's toll on my time with my family. I get so engaged at work that I lose track of time. More often than not, I arrive late at home. Causing me to miss the opportunity to see my children awake.

For me, family is very important. Next to God, I put my family second in priority. Given that I'm a single parent, every minute spent with my kids are precious to me. Since I started to commit myself to being the father God wanted me to be, I wanted to spend more time with them. To play with them. To eat with them. To pray and worship God with them. I want to catch up on the  time I wasted treating them bitterly in the past.

However, since I just recently changed my way of work (from functional consultant to a developer), I do tend to extend my working hours due to the enjoyment and fulfillment of what I do. And since God gave me this opportunity, I want to make the best out of it. I want to seize it so to speak.

But, is enjoying work really worth it if the price to pay is losing time with my family?

I think what was said in Mark 8:36 clearly answers my question, with a question. Yes, I do enjoy countless hours of working at the office. I can be blessed by God by allowing me to be promoted at work. Which will eventually result on having a higher paying salary. I may gain the trust and confidence of my co-workers and leaders. But at the end of the day, the question that I ask myself is this: "Are these things really more important than my family?".

Indeed, we tend to take pride with the job that we do. We want to do our best while we're at it. But if losing our loved ones; friends, parents, relatives, or even kids in the process is not good at all. For what is the purpose of having all the fame, glory, and riches of the world if we won't have anyone to share it with? Also, this can sometimes lead to idolatry. Thinking that our job is the most important thing in our life. And this is not what God wants for us. He wants us to live our lives only for Him.

May the Bible always remind us of our true priorities in life. Remember, everything in this world only exists temporarily. Though God will never go away, nothing in this world will ever last aside from Him. This includes our loved ones. So, make the most out of every moment with them. As much as possible, take time to pray and give thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to be with them. There's nothing bad in doing hard work. But if we'll lose our "soul" in the process, we should think again.

Reflect on this: Do you spend quality time with your loved ones? If not, why? When was the last time you went home early just to enjoy the remaining part of the day with your family? What is your priority in life?

Prayer: Oh Lord, thank you for questioning my beliefs by what you have said in Mark 8:36. Thank you for making us realize that we should not lose focus on what's important in this life. We must always put you, our God, as top priority. But what's next to you is real important too; our family.

Forgive us Lord, if we tend to look at other things that seem of great importance to us. Making us idolaters in the process. Forgive us if we tend to take for granted the time you've given us to spend with our loved ones. Lord, redirect our focus on the more important things in life. Things that of greater value. Things that glorifies and honors you. We pray for your guidance, God, in everything we do. Amen.